Primary Food: Career

Do what you love, love what you do.

Food is more than what we put on our plates. Primary food is the different aspects of our lives that contribute to our mind, body, and soul. Everything can be looked at as a source of food, either it’s nourishing you, or it’s not. One primary food source is your career. So let’s dive deeper into why your career is an important primary food.

Finding work you love will nourish all areas of your multidimensional health, enhancing your mood, boosting your creativity, and connecting you to a greater purpose. It’s normal for us to step into the work force with our only drive to make money and enjoy life later, but what if we thought beyond that? What if instead, we looked at our career as a way of nourishment and service? Maybe it’s not so much about changing your entire career around ( although that might be the case) but it’s watering where you are now. Having the knowledge that God has placed you right where you are for such a time as this, or also being intune with where He wants to take you next.

If you’re longing for more but don’t know where to start here are some steps from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to get started.

Find the work you love.

  1. Make a list/ journal of the things that bring you joy, and how they can be translated into an inspiring career. Get creative!

  2. After you’ve narrowed down career options, gather information about the paths you’re considering and how they can influence and shape your long-term goals.

  3. Reach out to professionals within that field-people who can give you guidance, information, and support.

  4. Join professional organizations or attend social events to create authentic connections and make yourself visible as an expert within your field.

  5. Contact prospective employers to learn about potential career opportunities. Be professional and enthusiastic and remember, even if a company isn’t hiring its never a bad idea to pass along your resume.

  6. Be patient- finding a new career you love tales time. You might even try a few positions before finding an ideal fit.

Love the work you do.

  1. Request to work on projects that interest you.

  2. Sourround yourself with peers and colleges that will support your work.

  3. Accept constructive feedback and work toward improving your weak points

  4. Stay motivated by giving yourself small rewards for accomplishing goals. consider short messages, long walks, body brushing- think primary food.

  5. Make your office space a place that makes you feel comfortable and at home. Add flowers and comfortable seating, make it attractive and appealing.

  6. If it’s time to transition to another position or company, make sure to continue to do work you love. Seek new opportunities that satisfy your desires and always maintain business relationships with previous employers.


Primary Food: Relationships


October-Breast Cancer Awareness Month